@extends('mails.mail-layout') @section('content')
Dear {{$name}},
Thank you for your interest in joining {{$network_name}} {{$event_name}}. Our support team will be in touched with you shortly.
The following is the details of your online registration
Personal Information | |
Title | Description |
Name: | {{ isset($name) ? $name : '' }} |
T-shirt size: | {{isset($shirt_size) ? $shirt_size : ''}} |
Designation: | {{isset($designation) ? $designation : ''}} |
Email: | {{isset($email) ? $email : ''}} |
Mobile: | {{isset($mobile) ? $mobile : ''}} |
Joining our Desert Safari Activity on Day 3: | {{ $activity === 'Yes' ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} |
Dietary Restrictions: | @if(count($dietaries) > 0) @foreach($dietaries as $item){{ $item->diet_name }},@endforeach @endif |
Company Information | |
Title | Description |
Company: | {{ isset($company) ? $company : '' }} |
Telephone: | {{isset($telephone) ? $telephone : ''}} |
Website: | {{isset($website) ? $website : ''}} |
IATA: | {{isset($iata) ? $iata : ''}} |
Address: | {{isset($address) ? $address : ''}} |
City: | {{isset($city) ? $city : ''}} |
Country: | {{isset($country) ? $country : ''}} |
Specialization: | @if(count($specializations) > 0) @foreach($specializations as $item){{ $item->specialization->name }},@endforeach @endif |
Operational Software: | @if(count($softwares) > 0) @foreach($softwares as $item){{ $item->software->name }},@endforeach @endif |
Category | Item | Quantity | Price | |
Conference Pass Fee | 1 | @if($sponsor->details->id > 3)${{number_format($regular_fee, 0)}} | @elseFREE | @endif|
Conference Pass Fee | 1 | ${{number_format($regular_fee, 0)}} | ||
Upgrade to VIP | -- | 1 | {{$vip}} | |
Premium Sponsorship | {{$sponsor->details->title}} | 1 | ${{number_format($sponsor->details->price, 0)}} | |
Sponsorship | {{$sponsor->details->title}} | 1 | ${{number_format($sponsor->details->price, 0)}} | |
Advertisements | {{$advertisement->details->name}} | 1 | ${{number_format($advertisement->details->price, 0)}} | |
Discount | {{$discount['discount']}} | 1 | - ${{number_format($discount['amount'], 0)}} | |
Discount | {{$discount['discount']}} | 1 | - ${{number_format($discount['amount'], 0)}} | |
Total | ${{number_format($total_price, 0)}} |
If you haven't settled your payment yet, You can process your payment with the following payment methods
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at {{$event_email}}